The Foundation has aspirations to grow its impact and give more previously disadvantaged young South Africans the opportunity to access sustainable employment
We are looking for strategic partners to expand and replicate the Youth Development activities into other geographic areas and new business sectors. Through collaboration with like-minded people who have a dream to make a real difference, it will be possible to transform countless lives. We would like to talk to you if you share our ambition and would like to work in partnership with us to build on the existing foundations of success.
We are accepting donations to help more young South Africans transform their lives and become positive role models through our youth development model and initially through the Pinotage Youth Development Academy. Our goal is simply to get as many young South Africans into work as possible and your support will help enormously.
Currently the following amounts will provide :
£2,400 - sponsorship of a student for the 12 month programme
£1,400 - lunches for the full year for the whole class
£1,000 - travel & subsistence allowance for one student for the yearlong programme
£930 - classroom tuition for one student for the year
£200 - sales & customer service training for an entire class
£85 - travel & subsistence allowance for one student for one month
£80 - classroom tuition for one student for one month
£35 - Academy clothing for one student for the year
£25 - classroom materials for one student for the programme
If you would like to donate to the Foundation, please click 'Donate' below, or contact us to set up a standing order:

Cheque payments
Please make out cheques to the Dame Hilary Cropper Charitable Foundation and send to DHCF, Somerton Court Farm, Somerton, Somerset TA11 7HP, United Kingdom.
If you are a UK tax payer and are eligible for Gift Aid, please indicate this with your donation or request a Gift Aid declaration form here. Thanks to the UK tax regime, this entitles the Foundation to claim a further 25% over and above each amount contributed.
Many thanks to all our donors and supporters!